
Decentralized Algorithms for Decarbonizing Chemical Process Heating with Renewable-driven, Electric Power Systems

Chemical and refining industries are responsible for roughly half of the U.S. manufacturing sector’s energy usage and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. In this project we are trying to address fundamental issues associated with privacy and data sharing that can serve as a major roadblock for the smooth integration of electrified chemical process with power system infrastructure to achieve industrial decarbonization.

Trustworthy, Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Cyber Attack Detection on Critical Infrastructure Networks

Critical infrastructure networks (such as gas, water, and power) are large-scale cyber-physical systems comprising multiple stakeholder entities that manage and operate different sections of the network. This project serves as a key enabler for developing decentralized algorithmic and computational frameworks for cyberattack detection that deliver robust detection outcomes. The idea is to bolster situational awareness of local stakeholders by focusing on learning subsystem interdependencies with strong privacy guarantees.

Energy Efficient, Low Latency Distributed Computation with Neuromorphic Edge Devices

Neuromorphic computing paradigms can potentially be leveraged to solve optimization problems at the edge up to 10x faster, with the promise of near constant order computational complexities. In this project, we seek to develop hardware-software codesign frameworks that leverage neuromorphic devices to deliver a superior computational performance at edge locations in a decentralized fashion.

Distributed Memory Communication Primitives on Container based Decentralized Systems

The goal of this project is to build a container based computational framework, that enables decentralized, predictive analytics and machine learning. Gustavo is a container orchestration framework constructed for Demo A3 under Research Thrust (RT) 2 of NASA HOME STRI Project. Gustavo is designed to be a one stop shop for administering applications in an autonomous, self aware fashion. Gustavo is available in a Command Line Interface and can be run on Linux/Mac Environments as well as under Windows with the help of Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). You can download and install Gustavo here!