Paritosh Ramanan

Lab Director


  • PhD Computational Science and Engineering (Minor in Operations Research), Georgia Institute of Technology, 2020
  • MS Computer Science, Georgia State University, 2015
  • M.Sc(Tech) Information Systems, 2013


I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Oklahoma State University and lead the DISys Lab at OSU.

Prior to this I was a NASA HOME Postdoctoral Fellow at Georgia Tech’s School of Industrial and Systems Engineering. I worked on using a Vertical Federated Learning aspects to make future habitats on Mars smarter and more resilient to failures!

I got my PhD. in Computational Science and Engineering at the School of Industrial and Systems Engineering at Georgia Tech. I was co-advised by Prof. Nagi Gebraeel from Industrial Engineering and Prof. Edmond Chow from Computational Science. At Georgia Tech my research comprised of asynchronous solutions to large-scale decentralized optimization problems with applications to power systems, machine learning and linear solvers. I also explored the use of blockchain as a decentralization tool. Turns out, it has some interesting features that can be leveraged to reduce costs and improve privacy as compared to cloud based alternatives for IIoT analytics! More details can be found here and here!